Refund Policy

Cancellation and Refund Policy

We want you to be fully satisfied with every purchase you make from our online store. However, we do not accept refunds or exchanges once an order has been placed. Please review your items carefully before checking out.

Order Cancellation
You may cancel an order prior to shipment for a full refund. To cancel, please contact us immediately

Once an order has been shipped, it can no longer be cancelled or modified.


Since we make items to order, we do not accept returns or provide refunds once an order has shipped. Please ensure your shipping address is correct before placing your order.

If you receive a defective item, please contact us right away so we can make it right. We will determine the best solution on a case-by-case basis, which may involve replacing the item, crediting your account, or other resolution.

Shipping Errors

If we make an error related to shipping, such as sending the wrong item or sending to the wrong address, please contact us immediately so we can find a solution. We will cover return shipping costs in proven shipping error cases.

Payment Errors

If there is an error related to payment, such as charging an incorrect amount or double-charging, please contact us promptly so we can investigate and refund any excess payment amount.

Changes to Orders

We are unable to change an order once it has been placed. Please review your items carefully before checking out. Contact us immediately if you need to cancel or modify an order that hasn't shipped yet.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or issues related to cancellations, returns or refunds, please contact our customer service team at